The Irish Language in Canada
Céad Míle Fáilte - Discover the hidden history of the Irish language in Canada and its impact on our multicultural tapestry. We hve gathered together a collection of compositions, physical artifacts, and life narratives from Irish speakers, and we invite you to explore the rich history of a language that has never disappeared but has continued to shape Canadian identity. Join us on a journey of discovery as we celebrate the resilience and cultural significance of the Irish language in Canada.
Gaeltacht Events
Our Gaeltacht currently offers four immersion opportunities:
February Féile an tSneachta (Online)
June AGM and immersion (Online)
August Tumsheachtain Samhraidh (Tamworth)
November Féile na Samhna (Online)
Make a donation.
Help us breathe new life into the Irish language in North America and bring recognition of its cultural richness by supporting Cumann na Gaeltachta, our volunteer-driven not-for-profit.
Your donation enables us to develop immersive language programs and resources, revitalizing this globally-endangered language for generations to come.
Contact us about donations-in-kind, bequests, or to share your donation story with us.
Community Calendar
If you have an Irish language event and would like it to appear on our community calendar, Please contact us: